To find this climb follow the Sheffield Road A616 from New Mill towards Sheffield and when you pass the Red Lion PH take the next left into South View. Now this climb starts here and it incorporates the V9912 Hill Climb course. Once you have entered South View proceed the hundred yards to the “T” junction and turn left into Staley Royd Lane. The V9912 Hill climb course starts at the lowest point of the drive at Stalley Royd Farm, there is a white line painted on the floor to let you know where the start is. This course is used annually for the Huddersfield Star Wheelers “Granville Sydney” Memorial Trophy race. It was brought into their calendar, second Saturday in October, after the death of Granville who was a member of the club but more importantly he was the National Hill Climb Champion on six occasions, more than anyone else. This course has also been used twice for the national event and if you fancy trying your hand at getting a good time for the climb zero your clock at the farm entrance and race to the top where 20 yards before the house, right at the top, you will be greeted by a white line across the road announcing the finish. If you have tried really hard like many competitors you may well be sick!! Just so you know, the best time ever achieved was by Jeff Wright in 1994 at the “National” in an unbelievable time of 3mins 49.9secs!!!!

This a difficult climb in that there is a very tight hairpin where the gradient reaches around 20% after only a few yard hundred yards. This is followed by a respite alongside some houses before you start to climb again straight up the hill through the trees and once you reach a green bench on your right you are approximately halfway. If you are really pushing on, this is the point that even though it looks to slacken, it certainly doesn’t feel like it as you push on past a small quarry. Then suddenly you can’t believe your eyes, yes, there is a section of downhill of only twenty yards or so but it is on a sharp right hand bend which scrubs off any momentum you may have gained. This last section is also unforgiving as you can see the house at the top but it doesn’t seem to want to come towards you! Don’t forget to stop your timing instrument at the line, but carry on the few yards required to reach the road junction to complete this particular climb. When you recover at the top look around and you will realise that it was all

Granville Sydney won the National Hill Climb Championships on six occasions and placed third four times, once tying with his brother Graham. He achieved all this between 1963 and 1973 before his tragic death in February 1974. Huddersfield Star Wheelers won the national “team event” on ten occasions between 1964 and 1978.

I recommend you read Paul Jones’ book the “Corinthian Endeavour” all about the history of the National Hill Climb Championships. It is extremely interesting reading.