To find this climb go up the A635 as described in the previous climb. Once you reach Compo’s fish & chip shop fork left down Burnlee Road continue down past the school and down into the dip and turn right up the very steep Woodside View. Now start pulling hard on those pedals as you are going up a very steep (20%) right hand bend when you reach a “T” junction turn left and then shortly after turn right at the “T” junction into Shaw Lane. Ride up through the houses and you will come across a very narrow section of road between houses, where it appears you are going through an “S” bend. Go left at the “T” junction up the hill and follow the road ignoring any turn off and at approximately one mile arrive at a steep section with a few isolated houses and plenty of trees lining the road. The finish is where the road flattens out and Edge End Lane joins from the right. The first and last sections are probably the steepest with a punchy middle section.